
How To Use Massage Gun On Neck And Shoulders


The neck is ordinarily recognized as one of the points of the body about prone to stiffness and pain. In fact, being such a pivotal betoken for all kinds of movements, the neck is spring to accumulate tension throughout the twenty-four hours, and all sorts of things will conspire to leave you with a sore cervix, from bad sleeping posture, to too many hours sitting at your desk and looking at the figurer, to injuries and strains during do. The neck is, for these reasons, 1 of the most frequent targets of massage therapy.

Pulseroll's Massage Gun is an innovative and powerful tool that is revolutionizing the field of massage therapy, and that allows you lot to savor the benefits of a deep tissue massage anytime and everywhere you lot want, in a relatively inexpensive way.

In this article, we will talk about the about important general benefits associated with the use of Pulseroll's Massage Gun, and more specifically virtually what it can do for your neck, along with some recommendations about the all-time techniques, education you how to use a massage gun for cervix pain or for a stiff neck.

In this article, nosotros'll encompass:

  • What massage gun therapy can offering you
  • The neck
  • Can you use a massage gun on the neck?
  • How to use a massage gun on the neck

pain on neck

What massage gun therapy can offering y'all

Pulseroll'southward Massage Gun uses a simple mechanism to maximum effect, relying on an aquiver astern and forward movement to attain deep into the tissues. Its efficacy is supported past professional therapists, athletes, and other professionals of all kinds.

The kind of benefits information technology offers parallels those of a professional person deep tissue massage. Here are the most important ones:

  • Pain and stiffness relief

The positive effects of massages on stiff muscles and sore areas of the body are supported by experts and past the scientific literature ( 1). Massages too, more generally, assistance the muscles to relax, relieving tension and stress.

  • Information technology helps to increase local tissue metabolism and to stimulate blood and lymph circulation (2).

The upshot of this is to increment the corporeality of oxygen and nutrients that achieve the tissues, and it may help to clear out toxins.

  • Information technology is a therapeutic tool for injury rehabilitation (three).

This is, naturally, one of the reasons why massages are and so important for athletes.

  • It may improve musculus role and flexibility (4).

By helping to brand joints more comfortable with their full range of motion, this is also indirectly relevant to injury prevention.

  • It can assist to intermission down scar tissue (5).

Massages are used by health practitioners to treat scars, for instance later on surgeries. You tin can detect more information near this here.

massage gun on neck

The neck

The neck involves a complex grouping of muscles, 2 of the near important existence the sternocleidomastoid and the upper trapezius, and is a crucial point of the body for posture and movement.

The most mutual utilise for a massage gun on the neck is to relieve pain and tightness, and to relax the muscles. Studies have shown positive results in the therapeutic use of massages on the neck ( vi, 7). The neck is also prone to developing trigger points, which massages help to alleviate.

A very of import additional benefit of the massage gun when it comes to the neck is relief of headaches ( 8, 9) While the scientific research on this topic is not all-encompassing, this is a unremarkably observed issue, and may have to do, at to the lowest degree in part, with the increase in blood menstruum to the brain.

Tin you lot use a massage gun on the neck?

The neck is a highly delicate role of the body, so extra care is necessary. Never use the massage gun on the front of the cervix and don't employ also much pressure level on the sides, either. You tin apply more pressure on the dorsum of the neck, which is comparatively less vulnerable, only non directly on your spine.

How to utilise a massage gun on the neck

As the neck is such a sensitive expanse, the best is to use i of the larger heads. Starting time with the lowest speed setting, gradually increasing if you lot so desire, and, again, practice not utilize also much pressure.

Y'all should massage the side opposite to that of the hand that is holding the massage gun. If y'all use the massage gun on the same side of the mitt that is holding it, you will inevitably tense up the same muscles that you lot are trying to massage, which is counterproductive.

Extend the neck to the opposite side, and then that you offer a larger area for the massage gun to work on. Move the gun slowly and lightly up and down the side of the neck, and around, to the dorsum. Yous may besides move your neck and the arm on the side that is being massaged, to experiment with dissimilar positions and kinds of stimuli.

Stay away from the frontal part of your neck. Using a massage gun on your pharynx would not be pleasant, benign, or safe. You lot also should not use it directly on your spine, at the dorsum, merely only effectually it.


The neck is crucial to the fashion our bodies move, to our posture, and to our balance. For that reason, information technology is also very vulnerable to tension, stiffness, and pain. Massage therapy is a valuable technique in helping to treat such problems and in helping you lot relax and de-stress after a long twenty-four hour period.

In this article, we focused on how to utilise a percussive massage gun on the neck and on the benefits you tin derive from information technology. If you lot feel that your cervix would appreciate some extra attention, don't forget to try this fantastic tool for yourself!

One of import final annotation: information technology'south very natural, and indeed recommended, that you lot would want to massage your shoulders along with your neck. While we have focused solely on the neck in this article, yous tin find information on the employ of the massage gun on the shoulders here.


1 -

2 –

3 – Standley, Robert; Miller, Michael; Binkley, Helen. Massage'south Effect on Injury, Recovery, and Performance: A Review of Techniques and Treatment Parameters. Forcefulness and Conditioning Journal. April 2010, Volume 32, Issue ii, pp.64-67.

4 – Kaur, K.; Sinha, A. G. K. Effectiveness of massage on flexibility of hamstring muscle and agility of female players: An experimental randomized controlled trial . Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2020 October, 24(4):519-526.

5 - Deflorin, C.; Hohenauer, E.; Stoop, R.; van Daele, U.; Clijsen, R.; Taeymans, J. Physical Management of Scar Tissue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. October 2020, 26(10): 854–865.

6 – Sherman, Karen J.; Cherkin, Daniel C.; Hawkes, Rene J.; Miglioretti, Diana L.; Deyo, Richard A. Randomized trial of therapeutic massage for chronic neck pain . The Clinical Journal of Pain. March-April 2009, 25(three):233-viii.

7 – Sherman, Karen J.; Cook, Andrea J.; Wellman, Robert D.; Hawkes, Rene J.; Kahn, Janet R.; Deyo, Richard A.; Cherkin, Daniel C. Five-Week Outcomes From a Dosing Trial of Therapeutic Massage for Chronic Neck Pain . Annals of Family unit Medicine. March 2014, 12 (2): 112-120.

8 – Quinn, Christopher; Chandler, Clint; Moraska, Albert. Massage Therapy and Frequency of Chronic Tension Headaches . American Periodical of Public Wellness. October 2002, 92(10): 1657–1661.

9 – Chaibi, Aleksander; Tuchin, Peter J.; Russell, Michael Bjørn. Manual therapies for migraine: a systematic review . Journal of Headache and Pain. April 2011, 12(two): 127–133


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