
What Are The Two Ways That A Company Can Obtain New Products?

Susan is an internet marketing professional who regularly writes on Medium and is the author of two SEO books on Amazon.

I wrote to 3M, and look what I got: products worth $200! Read on to see how I did it and how you can, too.

I wrote to 3M, and look what I got: products worth $200! Read on to see how I did it and how you can, too.

You Can Get Free Samples by Simply Asking

Did you know that you can get companies to send you free products and samples . . . just by asking? That's right, no surveys or gimmicks, just writing them an email or letter could get you some free stuff or coupons. Most people think that you have to participate in dodgy surveys or enroll on even dodgier websites, but this way you just ask the company directly yourself. You may think that it is a little degrading to ask for free stuff, but trust me, they have so many products to give away that they will be glad you asked!

What Can You Get?

Some companies may not reply at all, and some might; it depends a little on luck, but you are bound to get something. Some things you could get are:

  • Household product samples
  • Perfume samples
  • Makeup samples
  • Coupons (for free products or 50% off)
  • Full-size products
  • Discounts and vouchers

In this article, you will learn the ins and outs of getting free stuff, which companies you should write to, how to do it yourself, my story, and Tom Locke's story (he wrote to 100 companies, which cost him $39, and he shows what he got and more on his website). Enjoy!

Tips to Getting Free Products in the Mail

  • Make a list of the companies whose products you use and really love.
  • Find contact information, preferably a mailing address.
  • Write a sincere letter expressing how much you love the products.
  • Wait until the end of the letter to ask for free samples.

How Did I Do It?

I recently encountered the $39 dollar experiment conducted by Tom Locke. In this experiment, he wrote to 100 companies asking them for free products. It appears that you can receive free products from a company simply by saying how much you enjoy using their products and expressing what a fan you are of their amazing creations. He received many items and products from a variety of companies. I was impressed. I wanted to try this out for myself.

So, I tried it out with a few companies. I wrote them each a letter (I explain how exactly I did this below) and I waited. One day, a huge package arrived in the post, and I received a huge amount of products from one company. Some companies never wrote back to me or sent anything; I expected that. But, I realized that it isn't all that difficult to get some free products.

1. Make a List of Companies

The very first thing you have to do is to make a list of the companies you want to write to. You can write to one or two or you can write to four or five; the choice is yours. Look at items in your cupboard, bathroom, and office, and collect the names of the companies whose products you like. Here are a selection of companies that you can write to, but remember, these companies are not guaranteed to send you samples; you will have to see for yourself. If I have written to any of them and received free products, I'll let you know.

  • Makeup and Perfume: Try writing to makeup companies, such as Clinique, Rimmel, and Carma Labs (others have received products from Carma Labs, but I don't live in America so I couldn't contact them), Chap Stick, Burt's Bees, Lush, etc.
  • Food: Kraft, Celestial Seasonings, Twinings, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, and Wrigley's. You'll mainly get coupons, but you could get a few samples, too.
  • Office Supplies: 3M (I received free products from them), Staedtler, Stabilo, Daler and Rowney, Pentel, Sharpie, and Crayola.
  • Other: Colgate-Palmolive, Nestle, and Apple (sent me stickers).

2. Get Addresses or Emails

Once you have your list of companies, you will need to get their contact details. You can do so by either looking at their website under the Contact Us or About Us links and making note of their address or email address, or by taking a look at the Contact Us information on your product. It may be quite difficult sometimes to find their address. If you can't find it, forget about that company and move on.

Sometimes an email address works better. Write them an email instead of a letter. Gather up some addresses and get ready to start writing!

Should I Send a Letter or an Email?

Usually, letters suggest to the company that you value their products so much that you took the time to write them a letter. I have had more success writing a letter than an email. You will have to pay for stamps and envelopes if you decide to write a letter, but you will have more success than with an email.

Sample Address

Carma Labs:

Carma Laboratories, Inc.
Customer Service
5801 West Airways Avenue
Franklin, Wisconsin 53132

3. Write Your Letter or Email

Once you have your company address, it is time to write them a letter. Tell the company how much you value their products and their company, why they are the best company for making that product, and what you love about their product. Perhaps add a personal experience, and add that you would love to try more of their range and that you would like to receive some samples. Here is a step-by-step overview:

  1. How much you love their company: Say why you like their products so much. For example; "Your pens are so smooth to write with and are absolutely flawless," or "Your lotion is so soft and dissolves into my skin instantly!" Make a good paragraph on this and maybe explain two to three of their products.
  2. Say that you have built trust in them: "I always buy your brand because I like to be in the know, and you will deliver only excellence every time." or "Your brand has produced excellent bath products time and time again. I now always buy your brand as I know that you will deliver only the best every time."
  3. Add a personal experience: "When I wash my hair with your silky shampoo, all my family comment on how soft and luscious my hair is!"
  4. Say how much you would like to try more of their range: "I have become such a loyal customer and fan of your company that I would love to try more of your range. Could you send me some samples of your products? Thank you, I would be so grateful!"

Advice on Writing the Letter

When writing your letter, keep the following points in mind:

  • Do not limit your letter to a request for free products. They will notice this and won't send you any. Be honest about why you like their company. You're more likely to receive samples if you are a genuinely loyal customer.
  • Say what your favourite products are and why.
  • Maybe give a personal experience (if you can).
  • Be concise and stick to the point. There is no need to go overboard.

Read More From Toughnickel

Sample Letter 1

Here is a sample letter to a fictional organic shower gel company. This company is fictional, and any resemblance to any company is purely coincidental.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to tell you how much I adore your shower and bath products. I believe that Organic Soaps are the creators of the finest shower and bath products in the world. Your shower gels remind me of nature. I feel like I am in paradise when I use your shower gel. I particularly love your lavender and tea tree shower gel. It is so soothing to the skin and the lavender is so strong. I love the way you pack so much lavender flowers into the gel. It's natural and organic. Most shower gels nowadays are packed with harsh and synthetic chemicals but yours are completely natural. Well done.

As a feel-good enthusiast, I always strive for excellence in shower and hair products and Organic Soaps offer just that. I am such a fan of your company and I know that Organic Soaps always create the finest. I have recommended your products to my family and friends and they love your products just as much as I do. I would love to try more from your top class range. Could you please send me samples of your shower, bath and hair products to my address? I would be so grateful if you would send me some samples. Thank you.

Sample Letter 2

This letter is to a pen company.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to say how pleased I am with your products. I have tried and tested many pens but your pens are the best. I buy your pens and pencils all the time. My office desk drawer is full of your products. Your pens are so smooth to write with and the design is so well thought-out. The shape of the pen itself is quite intricate and the colours are always my favourite. After such great quality, I am now a huge fan of your company.

I am a big fan of your UniBall pens. I use your pens in the home and office all the time, especially your highlighters when highlighting important facts in documents and spreadsheets.

I have recommended your products to all my friends and they too love your products. Whenever I need a new pen or pencil I always buy UniBall knowing that you will deliver only the finest quality every time. I would love to try more from your excellent range. Could you send me some samples? I would be so grateful. Thank you!

Handy Phrases

Here are some handy phrases you can use to sprinkle here and there in your letters.

  • I believe that your company make the finest [fill in product type] in the world.
  • I have built so much trust in your company as you deliver five star excellence every time.
  • Your brownies are absolutely delicious! They melt in my mouth and make me feel like I am in paradise.
  • Thank you for creating such amazing/life-changing products.
  • My dog is very choosey in what dog treats he will eat, but his mouth waters at your brand! He absolutely loves them!
  • Your [fill in product type] are so well-designed and are made so intricately.
  • I love the way your [fill in product type] are 100% organic and natural. Most other [product] are synthetic these days, but yours are always homemade and eco-friendly. That is what I like so much about your company.
  • I use your [product] all the time, in the home and in the office.
  • I have recommended your products to all my friends and they love your [product] too. We have become [name of company]'s No.1 fans!
  • You have changed the world with your fantastic [product].
  • I would love to try more of your amazing range. Could you please send me some samples of your new products? I would be so grateful. Thanks!

As you can see, most of the phrases are very repetitive so you will get into the hang of things after a while.

Companies I Have Written To

Company Response Explanation


No samples or coupons

"Due to the hundreds of requests we receive each year, it is not our policy to send them out."


Yes, see image above. Products worth $250


No samples or coupons

Does not have access to samples in their office but I should try getting samples online when placing an order

Mars (Pedigree)

Yes, a €5.00 coupon


Yes, eight stickers of the Apple logo


Yes, four to five products

Oxford Copy Books (UK)

Yes, a project 300 page limited edition copy book

Wei East


No response . . . yet



Did not respond


Yes! Two boxes containing 6 sample bottles of their Argan Oil shampoo range, and skincare range. Worth $12. I recieved a coupon for 25% off next order online too.

Will You Try It?

Success Stories!

"I've wrote to many companies! Jelly belly is sending me some of their stuff, concord foods sent me full size packets: 2 smoothies, onion ring batter, mashed potatoes, and salsa. Sally Hansen is letting me review their products, suave sent me coupons and a coupon for a free suave product, national consumer panel sent me a scanner, and I'm waiting for emails from others. Thanks for this!" —Katie

© 2013 Susan W

bhattuc on August 11, 2020:

Excellent tips. Good article.

Boda tarun kumar on August 06, 2020:

Hlo hi sir i loved your product soo much and i want any product free to give a review

Maria Smith on August 01, 2020:

Nice to meet you! My name is Maria Smith I am hiring a house and pet sitting provider available in New York I hope to find a caring, skillful employee who has semi-regular availability.

    Service Requirements: Our home requires help with plant watering, lawn maintenance, and light landscaping. It is preferable if you have personal transportation available. The ideal housesitter would have multiple months of prior experience however it isn't mandatory to work with us.

    Notes On Availability: We can likely work around your schedule.

    How To Apply: Shoot me a message and I'll try to get back shortly send your CV (mariasmithluv850atgmaildotcom)

matt on April 03, 2020:

do u need a stamp

Jabbe on January 18, 2020:

What could i write to apple? I am out of ideas

Random dude on December 16, 2019:

Yeaaaa, a lot of people seem to think that if they ask for free stuff in this comment section, that they will get it.... This isn't the place to ask for free stuff.... It's a web site explaining how to do it.... Did u not read ANYTHING above? I mean, wow... People really are thick.

That being said... I have considered doing this for a while... I just never put forward the effort.... I think I'm gonna try it... But at the same time, I'm not very hopeful. This website/page has brought attention to the fact that you can actually do this.... So, they probably get a ton of mail asking did free crap all the time. But ya... Worth a try I guess.


Joan Meeks on December 12, 2019:

I would love to get some Free Samples. I will be sharing your product with many interested customers for your product," including myself,

Thank you

Tristin W on October 06, 2019:

This post was great! I'm actually hoping to do this on a slightly bigger scale with a theme. I work with a group of 20 nurses and army medics located on the Army Base in our State. Our group is federal employees who work along side army medics to treat soldiers with all types of injuries. Because we are such a small group, we are more like family. We deal with some tough times - as being an Army nurse and we celebrate small victories whenever possible. I want to do something for this amazing group I work with and was hoping to gather samples/discounts from companies nurses use ALL the time. To include Dunkin Donuts, all chapstick brands, pens (as a nurse you can never have enough!), scrub discounts, headache/body aches ( for being on the move ALL THE TIME!), coffee companies, breakaway lanyards, chocolate, etc. ANY suggestions you have regarding companies who would help cheer up a small group of hard working nurses who work our hardest to make sure our men and women stay Army Ready! Sometimes we don't tKe care of ourselves. I'm hoping to bring some cheer to my work family to help break up the monotony of everyday life. We work 9 hour days and some of us drive 1 hour each way just to do what we love. I'm not quite sure how to do this on a bigger scale or Which companies to add to my list. ANY AND ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME. Thank y'all so much in advance!

Muskan Kapadia on October 02, 2019:

Respected sir/ madam

Hi! This is muskan here I was amazed by your reviews ,and I'm looking forward to try free stuff for your side and reviewing it.please send as soon as possible

erinshelby from United States on September 01, 2019:

How fun!

jonathan_turcios on July 10, 2019:

I realy want to try a ps4 añd sponser you on youtube

Devesh tomar on July 10, 2019:

I want free product for review send me product for review

Kay Reds on March 16, 2019:

Companies often give samples on facebook, I see 3000freegoodies in the samples section lists the facebook samples.

mohamed amine on October 11, 2018:



jonas on October 02, 2018:

hi please give me free stuff

P. Patricia Stoodley on August 10, 2018:

I just love face book it is lovely reading about other people . I don't work as l am on an aged pension ✨✨✨✨✨

Krithika on July 31, 2018:

We need to write our home address in mail. Right !

Michael Konadu on July 26, 2018:

I would love if i get a free ps4. Me and my brother have no ps4 and is really boring when nothimg is at home. I will be really happy if u get me one

Drew Hunter on July 22, 2018:

I would love if you could send me some stuff so then me and my friends can buy things together knowing that one of us has tested it.

Thank you for taking time to read my comment.

Lotra on July 11, 2018:

Please send me gaming pc iam ayoutuber

Jake Perez on May 29, 2018:

Hi, I am an art enthusiast. Unfortunately, I don't even have money to purchase any products due to the financial problem. I think my skills in art will improve if you consider me sending any art materials. I would be grateful if you send me some art materials. Thank you. I am hoping for your great consideration.

Aman on March 13, 2018:

Hello sir,

Please give me free stuff for review on youtube

Michell smith on January 19, 2018:


Sauce god on January 02, 2018:

I got $29 dollar gift card from caribou

Abdul Rehman on December 29, 2017:

I am very happy and thankful to you for giving me an iPhone 8

Tessa on November 14, 2017:

Love to try your wonderful product that I've been hearing so many good things about.thank you for taking the time to read my comment.

Raphael on October 15, 2017:

i like it

Salem.ouss on September 30, 2017:


charlie wood on July 20, 2017:

thankyou! i have loads of free stuff and all my friends are well jelous its so great!!

Rameen on June 17, 2017:

I really want to try this out but I was wondering, must I put my address in the email as well?

Therese stewart on June 14, 2017:

Iam. Trying to get a hold of you all for all the free stuff you all can give to me and send to me asap.

Juliette Auman on May 25, 2017:

Thank you for this site. Please give free products from the company. Thank you so very very very much.

Shannon Ryckman on April 04, 2017:

I enjoy free samples

erin on January 27, 2017:

would love some free stuff, we have to use all our money to pay for gas to take my hubby to chemo. Need ned to save all the money we can get for his drs visidt and chemo

Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on January 27, 2017:

I have written to companies before like this, although not lately. And I have received a few samples, but usually money off vouchers or coupons to redeem for a free gift.

nash on January 25, 2017:

for the article, I hope I can find the time to try this soon I navar tried any things yet

tylor gilmore on January 06, 2017:

this is good advice you have

Meg Smith on November 25, 2016:

This is amazing info I am definitely going to do this

Jonas on November 12, 2016:

I really love this article, because I texted Lush, and they actually sent me ware with a total worth of 80 €.

Nickiesha Watson on November 12, 2016:

my name is Nickiesha Watson I own a nursing home in 227 poto balla Dr JamaicaW.I the name of the nursing home is Golden years tender care nursing home. my client will appreciate the free stuff form your company thank you .

michael on November 04, 2016:

i want free stuff too

Stephanie on October 12, 2016:

What is the address that you used for post-it?

Rassamebell on July 28, 2016:

Please please can I get free stuff

bhawanatamang on July 20, 2016:

i want free stuff

Anonymous on May 31, 2016:

This actually works!!!

I have made contact with: Max Factor Make-Up (who forwarded me to their PR Agency - Waiting a response); Burt's Bees (who have asked for my address to send me some samples); Rimmel London (who have not yet responded to my email); Chapstick (who didn't send me anything- But told me to keep an eye out for promotions and contests); Lush (who I have not heard back from yet); 3M (who I'm waiting for a response from); Stabilo (who I'm still waiting for a response from) and DermOrganic (who I'm also waiting for a response from).

It is very time consuming but if you try so many a day you are bound to get lucky with one of them. If you have some spare time on your hands, give it a go.

Cassie on March 01, 2016:

Hi I really want to try the 3M one because I absolutely love post it notes and their other products, but I'm having trouble on what to say. Can you please help me?

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on February 16, 2016:

Hi Losh - It depends where you are situated in the world but there are 3M offices all over the globe. Just type "3M office [your country]" into Google and you should find a 3M office in your country. Yes, their email is difficult to find so I recommend you write to their physical address. Thanks for reading! :D

Losh on February 16, 2016:

Hi! I absolutely loved this and I really want to try the 3M Post It one but i cant get their email address. Could you please help me there

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on June 29, 2015:

SouradipSinha - Thanks so much for the great comments! It definitely is addictive, I agree with you on that. Yep, there's nothing better than buying a can of a cold drink and then getting another free. *Bliss*

Souradip Sinha from Calcutta on June 20, 2015:

We all love a free chocolate, a free can of cold drink with a larger one, a free t-shirt by buying 3 of them..

Getting Free is an addiction thing and we all love them.

Ha ha..


Credit Comedy on June 19, 2015:

Awesome Idea and very interesting...

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on May 09, 2015:

Susie - Thanks for dropping by and leaving your great comments. I 100% agree that free stuff is an awesome hobby. What's better than getting free stuff posted right to your doorstep?

Susie Lehto from Minnesota on May 09, 2015:

I have some friends who are always telling me about the free stuff they get in the mail. I bet it is a fun hobby, free is always good.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on April 21, 2015:

Cool, thanks for that suggestion, Knee!

Knee on April 17, 2015:

You can write to sports teams too

Claudia Mathews on February 26, 2015:

Very cool, I didn't know you could do this. I will definitely give it a try.

btw, I am completely new here and just checking out some Hubs. I'd really appreciate if anyone reading this would check out my Hubs and hopefully follow me.

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on February 18, 2015:

This hub is so full of information, which is both helpful and useful at the same time. I might give it a try sometime.

Jacobb9205 on February 14, 2015:

Wow amazing way to get free samples! I may try this!

Kaela234 on February 13, 2015:

Hi i was wondering where you found the 3M address I can't seem to find it anywhere?? Thank you for writing this! I wrote to LUSH and got a few samples back! xx

chloe on January 01, 2015:

hello, love the tip, thanks for the help. i have one question, what is the 3m brand you are reffering too? could you send me a link to the website?

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on December 30, 2014:

peachpurple - Thanks for reading! That program you joined sounds pretty cool! Getting free toys and other goodies is always a treat for any parent!

daisydayz - Thanks for the great comments and for sharing your experience. Wow, I'm really glad that you received lots of freebies for you to write about on your blog. Blogs always garner attention from companies who want more online exposure, and so - many bloggers receive lots of free products. I've received some free products to review here on HubPages myself!

Chantele Cross-Jones from Cardiff on December 29, 2014:

Reviewing products for your own blog is a great way to get your hands on samples and free products if you are really interested in writing too! I have had a blog for 6 years all together now and couldn't count the number of freebies I have received over this time!

The letter is a great tip though (so is complaining if you aren't happy with a product - I have done this on 2 occasions and been sent vouchers for full priced items)

peachy from Home Sweet Home on December 21, 2014:

you know, when i was a new mum, i joined a milk product programme, got the free milk sachet and more toys

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on November 06, 2014:

Hey Jessa! Wow, thank you so much for the awesome comments! I'm so glad that you found this article to be of use to you. You should definitely work on getting free baby products - and as a blogger, they'll definitely send them to you!

Jessa on November 05, 2014:


I glad I found your blog. I really love how you share your examples of how to write these request sample letters to companies. I have just started reviewing products on my blog and this could really help me get other cooler things to review. Gonna give it a try since I have loved using a lot of different brands for my baby and I hope I can try out their other products.

Many thanks,


Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on October 26, 2014:

deecoleworld - Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it!

Hannah - Use their sales office or corporate headquarters address.

Hannah on October 25, 2014:

What address did you send the 3M letter to? I looked them up and they have tons of different locations; corporate headquarters, manufacturing, sales office, etc.

deecoleworld from USA on October 25, 2014:

Interesting hub!!!

Erin Jade from South Australia on August 11, 2014:

thanks susi10!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on August 11, 2014:

Erin - Thanks for the comments and welcome to HubPages! Good luck with writing to companies!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on August 11, 2014:

Paula - Thanks for the great comments and for the vote up. I always appreciate it. :-)

Yes, this is a very beneficial idea especially that companies are willing to send out free stuff. You will be very successful if you try it out. Good luck!

Erin Jade from South Australia on August 11, 2014:

I am totally going to give this a go. Watch-this-space :)

Suzie from Carson City on August 09, 2014:

susi....Did someone say "FREE?".....I'm on it! I like the way you think. Thanks for sharing. Very beneficial idea....Up +++

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on July 30, 2014:

mylindaelliot - Thank you so much for the great comments, I really appreciate it! :-) It is an excellent idea and one which is not widely known. Go for it!

mylindaelliott from Louisiana on July 24, 2014:

Great idea, I'm always looking for sample but I never thought of this.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on June 16, 2014:

Tori - Thank you so much for the fantastic comments on this hub and for following me! :)

Yep, most people are shocked when they discover that all you have to do is ask the company and they will send it to you. I mean the proof is with my experiment, I received so much stuff from 3M, makeup companies such as REN, DermOrganic and many more.

I am really glad that you will try this out with KD Dance - I bet you will get many freebies from them.

Tori Canonge from North Carolina on June 15, 2014:

I've signed up for freebies before and received some samples that way, but I never thought about writing a letter to a company and telling them how much I like their product and that I would like some samples of other things. It's amazing that you got so much stuff back from 3M! I will have to give it a try with some of the places I shop. I do remember ordering some shorts from KD Dance through Amazon once and they told me I could write next time I order and they would put in some freebies. I guess I need to take them up on that offer!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on April 12, 2014:

Hi Natasha! Thank you for the great question.

Yes, free dog food can be obtained from companies quite easily. I have written to some pet food companies and I have received lots of coupons and free dog snacks. I would definitely encourage you to try writing to dog food companies and even dog toy companies. I am sure you will have much success.

Tom Locke, who conducted an experiment to writing to free companies, received over $25 of dog food and many other coupons so it is definitely worth a try. For more information on dog food companies, please see the links below.

Let us know on what you received, if you write to any. Good luck!

Natasha from Mississippi on April 10, 2014:

Has anyone had any success with pet products? I have a heart for bulldogs and tend to take any and all that need a home regardless of their temperment. I recently was laid off from my FT job and can't afford to feed 5 grown bulldogs. Free dog food would be perfect.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on March 26, 2014:

Hi Blippety,

Good question! When writing emails, I usually start off with: "Dear Sir/Madam," for formality. I then write the body of the letter, outlining the main points of why I love their products, (see more above) and then asking them for some free samples to try out. Tell them, "My address is ..." at the end. Then, you can sign off the email with your full name.

I hope that answers your question, if it doesn't don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks for the read.

Blippety on March 26, 2014:

Hello, thanks for this; your tips were very useful.

I have a question though: how do you usually format your e-mails? How do you sign off the e-mail? And where do you include your address?


Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on March 14, 2014:

Thanks for the great comment, Patkay, I'm so glad that you found this useful. I agree, it is a very interesting topic because not many of us have tried it or heard of it yet. I only encountered this a couple of months ago when I saw the 39 dollar experiment by Tom Locke. After sending out five letters, I got freebies from four of them so I guess it went well. I do encourage you to give it a try, I am sure you'll be successful!

Patrick Kamau from Nairobi, Kenya on March 13, 2014:

I never knew one could do this. Now am aware because you have shared a very interesting hub. Thanks.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on March 11, 2014:

Nice to see you, sparkley! Thank you for the great comments, always appreciated. I am glad that you are going to give this a try, I am sure that you will be very successful. Try writing to multiple companies across different genres and you will find that some companies love selling out stuff whilst others reject you completely (Hi, we do not send out samples. It is our policy not to send them out.) such as Cadbury Chocolate.

Good luck!

Lynsey Hart from Lanarkshire on March 09, 2014:

This is an awesome idea! Voted up and useful, and I'm definitely going to give it a try!! Thanks!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on March 08, 2014:

Thank you for reading this Barbara, I am glad that you might try this soon. It will definitely be worth your time, just make sure to write to a few companies as some of them may not want to give you any.

Thanks for sharing your insights into this with your friend as a customer service representative. It is interesting to see the background to who is actually sending out the samples.

Barbara Badder from USA on March 01, 2014:

One of my friends was a customer service representative most of her life. She uses the phone and asks to be put on their free sample and coupon lists. Some companies will tell you that they don't have one and some will send stuff to you right away. I'll have to try your ideas.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on February 03, 2014:

Thanks Cathie. I am glad you liked this hub. You should give it a go some day.

Hamza Arshad from Pakistan on February 03, 2014:


Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on February 02, 2014:

Hey yarddog,

Thank you for reading this and for commenting. Yes, I can see what you are saying. I have heard of this already and I have tried it out. One of my reviews (Filofax) consists of a review about one of Filofax's organisers and I was sent one free to review. I will be writing a hub about this in the future, again, with detailed instructions. If you have any previous experiences of setting a review blog etc, just let me know. Thanks for your suggestion, it has inspired the creation of another hub!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on February 02, 2014:

Hi Katie!

Thank you for taking the time to try this out and for letting me know of your success. Well done! I am so glad that you have found this hub to be useful. Keep up the emails and you will get much more free samples. I have put your comment in the "Success Stories" section above to say thanks.

Troy Yarbrough from Texas, USA on January 29, 2014:

Hey, great Hub. But, I thought of a slight twist on this subject: Start a product review blog or website, then contact these companies asking if they will send you some of their newer or upcoming products so you can use them and write reviews for them. I think that would yield a lot more yeses than just asking for free stuff.

Katie on January 28, 2014:

I've wrote to many companies! Jelly belly is sending me some of their stuff, concord foods sent me full size packets: 2 smoothies, onion ring batter, mashed potatoes, and salsa. Sally Hansen is letting me review their products, suave sent me coupons and a coupon for a free suave product, national consumer panel sent me a scanner, and I'm waiting for emails from others. Thanks for this!

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on January 28, 2014:

Hi Better Yourself!

Thank you so much for dropping by and for your lovely comments! Yes, I received a huge amount of samples from 3M, I was pretty shocked. The package was huge, I couldn't believe it when I saw it coming into my post box! Some of the samples I got included index markers, 7 blocks of different coloured sticky notes, pop-up tape dispenser with two refill packs, Scotch sellotape and loads more! I now have enough sticky notes and Scotch sellotape to do me for a very, very long time.

You should most definitely give it a try, I am sure you will be very successful. Thanks again for reading! :)

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on January 28, 2014:

Hi travel man!

Thanks for reading this and for giving your wonderful comments. Nice! I'm sure you've gotten many recipe samples during your time on shipping vessels. There are always samples out there ready to be given away. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Better Yourself from North Carolina on January 27, 2014:

Very interesting hub, and congrats on HOTD! I'm impressed with the amount of free samples you received from 3M. I'm curious to try this now, thanks for sharing your experience with this!

Ireno Alcala from Bicol, Philippines on January 26, 2014:

Great tips and congrats on being chosen as HOTD. When I was on board shipping vessels via USA, I've been able to receive recipe samplers, a great help because I'm a cook.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on January 25, 2014:

Hi Cathie! Thanks for commenting and for reading this hub!:) I'm glad you found it useful.

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on January 25, 2014:

Hi Anna! Thank you for dropping by and for your great comments! Yes, there are so many freebies out there that it is kind of funny. Sometimes they have campaigns on Facebook, if you like a companies page they might send you a free sample (I think KitKat did that before).

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on January 24, 2014:

Hi freeliving,

Thank for reading this and I am glad you enjoyed it. :)

What Are The Two Ways That A Company Can Obtain New Products?


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