
Can I Use My Dslr As A Ghost Hunting Camera

They say that the kickoff pace to solving a problem is to acknowledge y'all have one. Okay, I'll admit it. I tin can't stand to exit my camera backside when I venture into the outdoors. I've tried many times only I can't avoid the unassailable confidence that the first time I exit my camera behind I will be presented with photographic opportunities of unparalleled beauty. Accepting the inevitable, I began trying to find out all the ways how to behave a DSLR camera hiking, snowshoeing and generally being out and about.

How to Carry a DSLR Camera Hiking

Here are the means that I've tried with some commentary on how they worked for me. Everyone is different so your mileage may vary. Keep in listen that every bit a avid photographer I sometimes carry a off-white bit of photography equipment with me (Canon 7D, 24-105, 70-200, 10-22, 100mm macro, tripod).


Osprey Talon 22 Backpack

Osprey Talon 22 Backpack

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to behave a DSLR camera hiking is to just put information technology in your haversack. I constitute a number of shortcomings to this though, the biggest being that your photographic camera is not bachelor for use unless you cease, remove your backpack and dig through it. That gets old actually quickly and if you lot desire candid shots of wildlife or your hiking companions it will be too late by the time yous dig your camera out. I institute that I got sick of doing this and would but skip taking many shots. Another hazard to this method is that your camera tin can bang and rub on other difficult objects in your pack as yous move. I now only use this method if it'southward raining very hard and I won't be taking photos anyhow.

The Osprey Talon 22 can be used with this method.

Regular Camera Neck Strap

Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Canon Camera Strap

Carry a DSLR photographic camera hiking with a Canon Camera Strap

Most cameras come with a strap meant to be worn around your neck with the camera hanging downwardly on your chest. I found this worked poorly for me since the strap chafed my neck, allowed the camera to swing dangerously shut to rocks and other objects when bending down and flapped in the wind causing vibrations when I had the photographic camera on a tripod. I now have a growing collection of brand new neck straps collecting grit and then that should tell how much I like this method.

Amazon has regular Canon camera straps.

BlackRapid R-Strap

Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Black Rapid Classic Retro Camera Strap

Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Black Rapid Classic Retro Camera Strap

This is a simple strap worn diagonally across your torso. Your camera dangles from this strap using a swivel plumbing equipment screwed into your camera'due south tripod screw. A DIY variation of this can exist fabricated with some nylon web strap and a carabiner. For some light outings where I'k doing more shooting than hiking (e.yard. shooting a rugby game or walking around town) I really like this method. It's unobtrusive still leaves your camera immediately available and you don't look a total photo dork if yous're merely walking around the local sports field. For any kind of more than serious walking, however, it leaves your photographic camera able to swing effectually way too much to be of much value on a hike.

The RS4 on

The RS4 on Amazon


Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Lowepro Toploader Pro

Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Lowepro Toploader Pro

A Toploader is a small camera pouch worn on your breast (e.g. Lowepro Toploader). It attaches via a lightweight harness yous wear over your shoulders (like a backpack in opposite). Toploaders offer an excellent way to go on your camera gear up for use but prophylactic from bumps, bruises and the elements. The straps don't interfere with backpack straps and so they can be worn together. Toploader are available in a diverseness of sizes depending on how long a lens y'all travel with. I used a Toploader for several years and was very happy with it. My only gripes were that it impaired your vision a piffling when going downhill and that you still had the bulk on your chest even when you had the camera out shooting.

The Lowepro Toploader on

The Lowepro Toploader on Amazon

Cotton Carrier

Carry a DSLR camera hiking with a Cotton Carrier G3 Camera Harness

Bear a DSLR camera hiking with a Cotton Carrier G3 Photographic camera Harness

I tried the Cotton fiber Carrier and was instantly sold. This organisation consists of a lightweight chest plate with over-the-shoulder straps similar to a Toploader and a small-scale slotted hub y'all screw into your photographic camera'due south tripod screw. To fit the camera onto the breast plate you turn your camera then it faces 90 degrees to left or right, slide the hub into a matching slot on the chest plate then allow the photographic camera hang with the lens facing downwardly. The hub is constructed in such a style that the camera is deeply locked into the plate when facing down but is free to slide out when the camera faces to the side. I accept run downhill on snowshoes and the photographic camera stayed firmly locked in place and still I could have it out and shooting in less than 1 second. My hiking companions have started calling me 'quick draw'. For even more security (perhaps when mountain biking or downhill skiing) there is a Lens Stabilization Strap which can exist fitted over the lens and a camera tether available. I've never felt the demand to use either. The Cotton fiber Carrier is now my preferred way of conveying a camera. When I demand protection from the conditions I apply rain sleeves from the same manufacturer. These work well in low-cal pelting. In heavier weather condition I'm unlikely to be taking photos anyhow so I but put the camera in my backpack.

The G3 Camera Harness on

The G3 Photographic camera Harness on Amazon

At that place are no doubt other ways to carry your photographic camera just these are the ones I've tried so far. If y'all accept other ways which work well for you I'd love to hear well-nigh them. I have no affiliation with any of the products listed here.

Originally posted April 2011. Updated July 2020.


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